Email Marketing, Abandoned Cart, and Welcome Sequences

Welcome Email #1 

  • Trigger – When someone enters the email list via sign-in form or pop-up form 
  • Send time – Immediately after entering the list
  • Purpose – Welcome new subscribers, intro the brand, remind the reader of the benefits, set expectations

Subject #1: Welcome to Rubble Rock and Gem

Subject #2: You’ve made it, [[FIRST_NAME]

Preheader: Grab your [FREEBIE/DISCOUNT] here

Headline: Welcome to the Family!

Subheadline: Get %OFF Today, Code: [CODE]



Hey there [[FIRST NAME]]

We’re so happy you’re here! Welcome to the Rubble Rock and Gem family. We can’t wait to provide you with good vibes and positive energy! 

With our incredibly wide selection of rocks and fossils, you’ll be set to experience wonder, beauty, and all the wellness benefits of crystal healing!

As a “thank you” for joining our awesome family, we’d love to offer you [[discount/freebie]]. It’s only available for a limited time only, so go ahead and grab it before it’s gone!

We’ll keep you in the loop of our latest updates, discounts, and sales. Feel free to stop by our store and explore all of our incredible products made to help you raise your vibration. 

We’ll keep you in the loop of our latest updates, discounts, and sales.


Abandoned Cart #1 (Abandoned at time of browsing)

  • Trigger – When someone leaves their cart they were about to close
  • Send time – 1-4 hours after
  • Purpose – Nudge the subscriber to finish their cart and buy the product

Subject #1: Re: your cart

Subject #2: Did you forget this? 

Preheader: See this one more time

Headline: This Deserves Another Look!

CTA: Complete Your Cart

[[ABANDONED PRODUCT – Software will take care of this]]


Hey there [[FIRST NAME]]

You almost took this home, but left at the last second. Is everything all right? 

We want to make sure you didn’t mean to leave your cart, so we’ll keep it for you for the next [[TIME]]. Don’t miss out on experiencing expanding your collection! 

Visit your cart again and take this home before it’s too late. 


Email Name: Rubble Rock and Gem

Rock shop with storefront and ecommerce in Vancouver BC. Sell Gems, Fossils & Minerals.

Example subject lines for client:

·  5 of the shiniest stones you do NOT want miss out on.

·  Is it possible to manifest love?

·  Rock and roll! 1 day only – our first ever 20% BF sale!

·  I brought these precious gems from Jaipur, India, just for you…

·  What’s a cat’s-eye chrysoberyl ?!?

Subject Line 1: what’s purple with a refraction index of 1.544?

Subject Line 2: 


Header (Optional)

CTA Button (Optional)


Amethyst! Get some sparkle in your life…

Did you know that amethyst quartz has a 1.544 refractive index? When light passes through amethyst, it’s 1.5 times slower; it bends and bounces around inside the quartz. That’s where all the sparkle comes from.

Amethyst is believed by many to be a calming stone too – relieving stress, and strengthening intuition.

Brighten your room, and your soul with our new stock of purple amethyst quartz.

 Take a look.

<Click/Browse button>

 CTA Button (Optional)