What’s Proposal Writing?

It’s the art of persuasion, applied to sales, in written form. It’s a subset of copywriting. It’s copywriting for a niche and oftentimes, smaller audience.

So. Proposal writing. Copywriting. Same difference, really.

For both, I’m evoking a feeling in the reader with my words, and persuading them to take further actions that lead to a sale.

I’m selling and convincing the reader to buy – whether it’s a product, service, or a business pitch or project idea.

As a proposal writer, I’m often convincing just one person, or a small evaluation committee, to buy a high value THING for their organization.

Whereas, most of the time, as a ‘copywriter’ – I’m trying to convince more people to buy something that they can (hopefully) afford.

The act of writing is the same. It’s only the messaging and audience that’s different.